House Program

Our school communities are a key part of our well-being and learning structure, which works towards ensuring that every student is known, supported and has positive experiences during their time at WSC.

Each House community has a Leading Teacher who works with a team of Heads of Houses and Check-in teachers, to provide community links, foster connectedness, and oversee learning and welfare for those students within each community.

We have 2 communities and 8 houses, with each house having around 100 students made up of students from different ages. Students in each of their houses are split into 4 groups of around 25 students each. Students meet for 20 minutes at the start of each day, supported by an adult mentor who will facilitate student led learning and care.

Each student is in a House, these are the groups the students will be in for the duration of their journey here at the college. The Head of House is a teacher who oversees the well-being of all students in that House. By having a vertical House system students will have significantly improved relationships and supports from staff who know them personally and can support their individual needs. Students also learn the increasingly important skill of developing relationships with a broader group than just one class. Peer support through the House activities will continue to develop and grow as we encourage our young leaders to flourish.

Parents and students should initially contact their Check-in teacher or Head of House with any concerns.